Vincent Regis

Dunhill Cup 2021 final results

The fifth and last round of Dunhill Cup was played last Saturday june 24th, in warm and humid conditions.

3 teams still had a chance to get the title Italy, the Netherlands and France. The Netherlands defeated Italy in a tight game 2-1, while France defeated Germania 2-1.

Vincent Regis 68 – 64 Hanna Jones
Rafael Lucas 57 – 63 Andreas Obst
Germania conceaded one game due to lack of players

Henk Wapstra 66 – 83 Stefano Capitanio
Nely Borst 65 – 65 Giuseppe Racca (Giuseppe won after 1st playoff hole)
Willem Borst 64 – 65 Luigi Fanchi (score off 36 hcp)

That leaves France and the Netherlands tied with 3 wins and one loss. But with 8 individual matches won against 7 for the Netherlands, it is France that get the Dunhill Cup for the 4th time running.

RankParticipantPlayedRemainingMatch W-LSet WinsPts
1France403 – 1843
2Netherlands403 – 1746
3Italy402 – 2526
4Commonwealth401 – 3549
5Germania401 – 3413

Bedrijf League results after the 4th game: ESTEC vs BP

After the disappointing draw in our home game against PIT, the team was out for blood. And we showed no mercy to the BP team (The ladies were particularly ruthless), winning 6-0.

Andy Smith vs Vincent Regis – Win 3&2
Henk Vlag vs Mary Gillies – Win 6&5
Sjoerd Gunnewijk vs Erik van Ginkel – Win 3&2
Carlo Eijkels vs Anders Elfving – Win 1 up
Arnold Bakels vs Anna Hjortnaes – Win 6&5
Max van Opstal vs Helma Nollen – Win 3&2

Very well done!!! The ESTEC team should now be near the top of the Bedrijf League leader board.

We play our last home game next Thursday July 1st, against Shell.

Bedrijf League results after the 2nd and 3rd game

We have played our 2nd and 3rd game at our temporary home in Zeegersloot GC on Thursday June 3rd and Thursday June 10th.

ESTEC vs EPO @ Zeefgersloot:

Condition were ideal to play golf, with low winds and warm temperature. Things went well for our first home game with a victory 4-2 against EPO. Our low hcp performed better this time.

Paul McNamara : Lost 4&3
Vincent Regis: Win 2&1
Erik van Ginkel: Win 3&2
Andrew Murrell: Lost 5&4
Kjeld Hjortnaes: Win 4&3
Rob Jansen: Win 2&1

ESTEC vs PIT @ Zeegersloot:

In again ideal golfing conditions, we meet our South African friends of PIT. Their low hcp were quite strong and unfortunately managed to win some tight games. Thankfully our high hcp performed as well as usual and got us even at 3 – 3.

Vincent Regis: Lost 2&1
Erik van Ginkel: Lost 1 down
Rafael Lucas: Half
Brian Taylor: Half
Gijs Tan: Win 6&4
Kjeld Hjortnaes: Win 2 up

We are doing reasonably well with 2 draws and one win so far.

Next game is at home again, next week Thursday June 24th, against BP.

Dunhill Cup 2021 standings after the 4th round

Saturday June 12th, the 4th round of the Dunhill cup has been played under the sun, with mild temperatures, and with some moderate cross winds.

The Netherlands were sitting that round out. The current leader Italy was playing France, while Germania was playing against Commonwealth

France was in need of a win to stay in contention for the title, and made no prisoner by inflicting a 3-0 defeat to Italy.

On their side Germania were in search of their first win, and secure it at Commonwealth expense in a very tight 2-1 game

Italy 0 – 3 France
Vincent Regis 61 – 67 Raffaele Tosellini
Rafael Lucas 64 – 73 Stefano Capitanio
Anna Carmio 67 – 70 Luigi Fanchi (score off 36)

Germania 2 -1 Commonwealth
Clare Bingham 70 – 71 Klaus Ludwig
Garry Gould 70 – 64 Peter Behrmann
Stephen Durrant 76 – 73 Andreass Obst

The competition is now completely undecided with Italy, France and the Netherlands having 2 win and 1 defeat. The 5th and last round will decide everything!

Current standings

RankParticipantPlayedRemainingMatch W-LSet WinsPts
1France312 – 1636
2Netherlands312 – 1529
3Italy312 – 1525
4Germania311 – 239
5Commonwealth401 – 3549

All results can be seen here:

Last round on Saturday June 26th with France vs Germania and Netherlands vs Italy