
EGC Matchplay Tournament 2022

The registrations for the 2022 ESTEC Golf Club Matchplay knockout tournament are now open in

Please follow the link below to sign up for the event. A step by step guide is also attached. If you played last year, you do not have to make an account again.

Sign up will be closed on Sunday 6 March 17:00, as the bracket is drawn.

The matches are played with handicap compensation, with a maximum difference of 18 shots (so maximum one shot given on every hole).

Since there will probably still be some Covid restrictions, the following days in the weekend will be reserved for Matchplay players:

Sun 27 March
Sun 24 April
Sun 15 May (ideally quarter finals should be done)

Please make good use of these reserved days. Reservation in Proware will be open once the bracket is drawn.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Helma Nollen

2022 Presentation Tournament: results and report

The presentation tournament has been played last Saturday, in cold but dry weather.

23 brave players participated, and the scores were pretty good, with 10 players at 0 or more.

And it is Geradine Doeswijk-Kavanagh that came on top with an excellent score of +5 (note that her score on Proware is wrong, due to a bug in the system assigning her the number of stroke of a male player).

In second place we have Barteld de Jong with +3.

3rd, with a better back nine, is Stephen Durrant with +2.

Full results can be seen here:

Congratulations Geraldine!!!

Presentation Tournament 2022

You are all invited to the Presentation Tournament on January 22nd.

The Presentation Tournament format is played “against Par” with handicap adjustment, which is a modified stableford competition.
It is like a matchplay against the course. if you score lower than net par, you win the hole and you get a point. if you score net par, you half the hole and get no point. If you score more than net par, you lose the hole and get -1. The winner is the one with the most positive value.

We usually combine this event with a dinner in the evening, where we present all the trophies of the preceding year and their winner. But once again, due to Covid restrictions and all the restaurants being closed, we are not able to do that this year. We will however try to book a dinner during a weekend, as soon as the restaurants open again, hopefully in just a few weeks, so stay tuned for this.

All the trophies will be on display in the vitrine in the hut, with a list of all of last year’s results for everyone to see.

Registration for the competition is open in Proware.