
King’s Social Scramble: 27 April 2022

Dear EGC Members,

The first social of the year, King’s Social Scramble* will take place on Wednesday 27 April 2022 with a Shotgun start at 13:00 – Check-In hut assemble at 12:30.

Teams of 4 player having the same handicap sum will compete in a Scramble format from Red tee and from scratch (for 4 Bottles of Royal Wine). Please register in Proware, open until Monday 25 April 2022 at 18:00 hrs. Teams and starting tee will be announced on the 27 at 12:30.

This event is open for everybody in the ESTEC Golf Club and particular a perfect opportunity for high handicap and new players to get acquainted with fellow golfers of EGC.

Your EGC Competition Secretary – Reno

* Format – King’s Social Scramble

 – Event will be played of scratch from Red tees where 4 players forms a team.

 – Every player in the team tees off. This counts as one shot for the team.

 – The team selects the ball it likes best and everyone plays from this position. This counts as the second shot for the team. The ball may be placed on the fairway (closely mown grass) but must be dropped in the rough or hazard.

 – This process is repeated until the ball is holed. Each time the process is repeated it counts as one shot for the team.

–  The highest handicapper in the team start putting (and preference tee off) first.

Sunday 20 March 2022: CRT Scramble, Report and Results.

Nice to see more (than in the Monthlies) EGC players participating in the first 2022 Colin Rolls Trophy  event “Scramble” of the year. Unfortunately the weather contributed with a very cold wind pushing the temperature around 8 Deg. C to a Real Feel temperature of 2 Deg. C – but it stayed dry! Altogether we had 32 players participating in 8½ flights where each pair represented one of the traditional four teams. The best pair score was recorded by Francis and Marga with 57 St. P. followed by Willem/Rob and Clare/Stephen with 52 St. P. The best team score counting the two best score per team, was recorded by the “Babes and the Boys” with 104 St. P. followed by the “Mulligans”  with 100 St. P , “Friday’s Men” with 89 St. P. and the “Andy Caps” with 83 St. P. All pair and team results can be found attached.


Francis and Marga, playing with 33 strokes received managed to record 57 St. P. which means 21 St. P. above their playing handicap – another first in the history of CRT – so another BIG Congratulation. Also worth mentioned is Anneke and Christine’s score of 40 St. P. playing from 33 strokes – since Christine participated for the first time in a EGC event having official a handicap of 54.0.  

Finally the average pair scores for 15 flights (inc. two single players) was 44,3 St. P. (handicap 20,0) compared to 2021 numbers of 40,6 (handicap 16,7). Probably a ¾ Scramble playing handicap need to be considered for CRT 2023.

Sunday 10 April 2022: CRT Greensome

Please be ready for the next CRT events “Greensome” which will take place on Sunday 10 April 2021. Contact your team Captain if you like to play. Team Captains to forward playing pairs to Reno not later than Thursday 7 April 2022.

Your 2022 CRT organizer – Reno

Colin Rolls Trophy: Scramble – 20 March 2022.

On Sunday 20th of March the first out of four 2022 Colin Rolls Trophy (CRT) events will take place at ESTEC. The CRT events are played as pair representing one of the teams listed below. On Sunday 20th of March the Scramble will be played. The pair playing handicap for Scramble is the lowest players number of strokes received. Obviously the event will be tee time scheduled, so in line with today’s Corona restrictions but allowed as the usual 2 x 2-balls. Likewise no prize giving will take place afterwards and score cards to be dropped at the Score Card Box in the Check-in hut after play. First flight will be 9:20 and within a few days after the event the final results will be NEWS and via Captains announced.

The 2022 Captains of the teams are:

Garry Gould                             –    The Babes & the Boys

Vincent Regis                           –    The Mulligans

Reno Harboe Sorensen          –    Friday’s Men                    

Alex Jeanes                              –    The Andy Caps

You will now find this CRT event announced in Proware but there will be no Proware registration since we play as pair selected by your Captain, so if you like to play please contact your team Captain – who need to forward names of playing pairs and playing slot (early-middle-late) to Reno no later than Thursday 17th of March 2022. If you don’t belong to any of the teams and like to play please contact Reno.

Additionally I encourage team Captains to contact their team members for availability and preference time slots.

Attached you will find the CRT General Procedures, Strokes Received and Formats for all Four events.

Your 2022 CRT Event organiser is Reno with Alex Jeanes as back-up. See the EGC Calendar for other event dates.

Reno Harboe Sorensen

Dunhill Cup 2022

Dear Club members,

It is time to put together the teams for the Dunhill Cup.

The first round is planned for the Saturday 26th of March. So you have until March 20th 17:00 to setup your team and communicate its composition back to the organiser (Vincent Regis: Pools will be drawn on Monday 21st, and flights for the first round will be announced on Wednesday 23rd.

Team Composition

All members of the team shall have a link to a recognisable ‘geo-political’ entity, either by birth, naturalisation (citizenship), marriage or partnership.

To make team setup easier, minimize walkovers, and broaden a little bit the field of players, one external player will be allowed in each team, that has no link to the aforementioned geo-political entity.

It is the responsibility of the captain in setting up a team to ascertain potential absenteeism among the players to avoid ‘conceding’ walkovers. The team captain shall function as point of contact to the organiser.

A team shall consist of no more than 7 players.

A player can only participate in one team.

Competition is open to all players with Handicap 54 (GVB). For the competition an exact handicap of 36.0 is given to players with handicap >36.0. Team composition may not be changed after the first playing Saturday. Teams that don’t have 7 players on their team at the time of the first match may still add players until they have reached the maximum of 7 players.

Last year we had the following teams:

  • France – Vincent Regis
  • Netherlands – Henk Wapstra is stepping down, needs a new captain
  • Germania (Germany/Austria) – Klaus Ludwig
  • Commonwealth – Brian Taylor
  • Italy – Giuseppe Racca

In the past we also had the following teams:

  • Celtics (Scotland/Ireland) – Paul McNamara
  • Spain – Rafael Lucas
  • Scandinavia – Reno Harboe Sorensen


Round 1 – March 26th

Round 2 – April 23rd

Round 3 – May 7th

Semi final/round 4 – May 28th

Final – June 25th

Game format and rules:

A match between 2 teams is made up of 3 games/flights, with 3 members from each team playing against each other. Captains shall declare their team’s 3 players to the other on the day of the match just prior to the first tee time. A players handicap is the one current at beginning of match day (Note; full handicap adjustment), Maximum exact handicap is 36, players with a higher handicap are allowed to play but will be given a 36.0 handicap for the match.

The matches are played in handicap order where first, the lowest handicap player of a team plays against the lowest handicap player of the opposing team etc.

This order of play shall be modifiable to accommodate late arrivals (Note the 20 minute tee-off window still applies). The format is medal matchplay, i.e. each player plays 18 holes, holing out on each hole. The lowest net score at the end (after handicap adjustment) wins. Individual game must have a winner, in case of a draw after 18 holes: play on from hole 1 (with handicap difference per hole) to decide winner by sudden death (like match play).

If a team does not manage to field all three players for a match, the game(s) where the missing player(s) would have played is (are) conceded.

If each team fields only 2 players and each wins one game, then the match is decided by stroke difference, else by a sudden death, match play between the 2 lowest handicap players.

Score cards to be put in the scorecard box after competition. These will be forwarded to EGC Handicap Secretary or returned to player with a non-EGC home club.

Teams score:

The team winning a match will get 1 point, loser 0. The games scored, 3-0 or 2-1, will be recorded as will the net stroke difference in the match and games conceded.

The stroke difference in a game is fixed at 1 where there was a play-off to decide a game.

Where a game is ‘conceded’ through a ‘no-show’, the conceding team gets a +5 stroke penalty for that game. (The other team does not benefit any strokes, just the game win.)

Teams in a group are ranked according to, and in order of: 1) points, 2) games won, 3) least net stroke difference over all matches. If still a tie in a group, then the winner of the match, already played, between the two will go through.