
Summer Seasonal 2022 at De Haenen – Results and Report

The Summer seasonal has been played at De Haenen golf course near Breda. The weather was nice, sunny and little windy. The course was beautiful with undulated contours, and many statues and artwork displayed around the course.

Unfortunately, what could have a perfect setup was a little spoiled as some extensive aeration had been performed on the all the greens, making them really difficult. For this reason the event was declared non qualifying.

A dinner took place at the club house after the round.

The winner with 31 points is Jan van Haarlem. 2nd with 30 points and a better back 9, is Stephen Durrant. 3rd with 30 points is Alex Jeanes. Elly Davis won the longest drive and Allan Thirkettle the neary.

Congratualtions to Jan!

Full results can be seen in Proware:

Sunday 29 May 2022: CRT-4 Foursome, Report and Results.

A fairly well-attended fourth 2022 Colin Rolls Trophy event “Foursome” took place on Sunday 29 May 2022. This time the weather was ok for playing golf even though a bit on the cold side and minor rain at the Shotgun Start at 12:00. Altogether we had 29 players participating in 8 flights where each pair represented one of the four traditional teams. The best pair score was recorded by Barrie & Geoff with 41 St. P. followed by Peter & Reno and Willem & Rob with 39 St. P. The best team score counting the two best score per team, was recorded by the “Friday’s Men” with 80 St.P. followed by the “Babes and the Boys” with 72, “Andy Caps” with 71 St. P. and finally the “Mulligans” with 63 St. P. Overall far better scores this year in the varies CRT events. All CRT-4 pair and team results can be found attached.

Winner CRT 2022:  

After the  play on Sunday, we again could use the ESCAPE for prize giving and having a few drinks. Firstly Geoff offered a 83 years Birthday drink followed by Aurora (our event sponsor represented by Alex Jeanes) to provide additional drinks, 3 golf balls/player and wine prizes to the overall winning team and to the best pair score per event (see previous reports). The overall winner of the 2022 Colin Rolls Trophy was again the “Babes and the Boys” team, captained by Garry Gould, with 342 St. P. who received the CRT trophy for the fourth time running. “Friday’s Men” team followed 5 St. P. behind with 337, “Mulligans” team with 319 and finally “Andy Caps” team with 310 St. P.

The four 2022 events took place with a total of 128 players or 46 different players, so a fairly high interest considering the ESTEC Golf Club declining number of members.

Finally a BIG Congratulation to the winning “Babes and the Boys” team members: Garry, Piet, Willem, Rob, Barteld, Salim, Tony, Steve, Angelika, Clare, Mary, Joe and Erik (see attached 2022 photo).

Your 2022 CRT organizer – Reno

Sunday 8 May 2022: CRT-3 Better Ball, Report and Results.

Again a well-attended third 2022 Colin Rolls Trophy event “Better Ball” on Sunday 8 May 2022. Unfortunately no weather conditions can be reported (Reno not present) but the number of participants in 9 flights counted 36 players. This time the best pair score was recorded by Barrie and Rod with 46 Stp. followed by Piet and Garry with 45 Stp.  The best team score counting the two best score per team, was recorded by the “Friday’s Men Team” with 90 Stp. followed by the “Babes and the Boys” with 88 Stp. “Mulligans” and “Andy Caps” both with 83 Stp. A special thanks goes to Marja and Rod for substituting Reno as organizer. All pair results, team results and event standings can be found attached.

Sunday 29 May 2022: CRT-4 Foursome

Please be ready for the final CRT events “Foursome” which will take place on Sunday 29 May 2022. Contact your team Captain if you like to play. Team Captains to forward playing pairs to Reno not later than Thursday 26 May 2022.

Your 2022 CRT organizer – Reno