
World Handicap System (WHS) introduced on March 1

On Monday March 1 the WHS handicaps will become active and the EGA handicaps will disappear. You can find your WHS handicap on your digital NGF card. On February 26 the NGF is planning an internal transfer of data so no handicap adjustments will take place on that day . Any qualifying cards entered on that day will be placed on hold and processed during the weekend. The weekend of 27 February will be the last time competitions will be held with the EGA handicaps.

For the WHS the NGF has distributed new handicap tables that will be in use starting March 1:

WHS Handicap Tables EGC Men 18 and 9 holes

WHS Handicap Tables EGC Ladies 18 and 9 holes

Latest info on the introduction of the WHS can be found on the NGF website here.

Course open again

The snow has almost completely disappeared so the course will be open this weekend. The ground is still quite wet in places so please take care with trolley’s and repair your pitchmarks and divots.

Course closed until further notice

Due to the current snow cover on the course there is no possibility to play golf and the course remains closed until further notice. At the moment we still have snow cover of over 20 cm on many places on the course. It is however a beautiful sight with mainly animal prints on the snow

Next week the temperature is expected to rise, but it will still take some time for all the snow to melt and after that the course to be dry enough to play on. We will open the registration for casual rounds for next weekend but there remains a reasonable chance the course needs more than a week to recover after the snow starts melting. Next week Friday the course conditions will be checked again for the weekend.

Course closed 6 + 7 February

We regret to inform the members that after inspection of the current course condition and considering the weather forecast for the weekend (especially Sunday) the course will remain closed this weekend 6 + 7 February

The Monthly will be postponed to a later time in the month