Erik van Ginkel

Report Tespelduyn/ESTEC Challenge 14/4

The weather cooperated amazing well on April 14th for the out match
against Tespelduyn; though the flower fields were not optimal due to the
extremely cold period a few weeks previous there were some lovely
colourful views.

For the first time the tradition of the home team winning has been
broken. ESTEC won at Tespelduyn with 338 points to their 315 points; we are very
happy with this result.

ESTEC had a great team and we even had to lend a few of our players
to Tespelduyn to make up the numbers. Actually we also won all the nearies and
longest drives. The following in short the results.

1st Individual Rob Jansen

2nd Individual Emmanuel Sabourin

2nd Individual (on loan to Tespelduyn) Maria

Mens longest drive Paul McNamara

Ladies longest drive Geraldine Doeswijk Kavanagh

Neary Rob Jansen

Tweary Vincent Regis.

Thank you all so much for your support in this event and hope we can
keep it up when they come to ESTEC for the return match in


Gladiolen competition moved to Thursday 03/05 this week

On behalf of the organiser Carel Haakman:

Due to the heavy rain of last days, the golfcours was closed at the very last moment yesterday.

We therefore could not play and decided to postpone the competition to this thursday, same time, if the course is open again. (check the EGC website).

See you then,


Results Spring Seasonal 23/4

The 23rd of April 2018 the Spring Seasonal was played at Zeegersloot Golfclub.

19 players participated. It was a wonderful day, sunshine but not too warm.

The course was in a good condition, however most of the players found the
very fast, and perhaps it also influenced the scores;-);-)….

There were 4 players
with a score of 30stb and above.
Wil Spangenberg won with 34
and in 2nd place came Raffaele Tosellini with 33 Stb.

Kjeld Hjortnaes became 3rd also with 33 Stb but 1 point less
on the back nine,
and Vincent Regis 4th with 30 Stb. (all
results can be found in Proware).

Hanna Jones won the Longest from Red
and the Neary was for Wil Spangenburg.
Nico Dettmann won the Longest from
Yellow and nobody was able to claim the Neary.

Congratulation to the top
4 players, and thanks to all who joined the Spring Seasonal.

After the
golf we were served a very good diner, prepared by the new cook at Zegersloot.

Anna Hjortnaes

King’s Day Social – 27/4 – 12:00

KING’S SOCIAL – Friday 27 April 2018 – MEET IN ESCAPE AT 12.00!

Let’s celebrate King Willem Alexander’s birthday with a traditional Oranje
Ball Scramble! (A basic scramble with a tiny orange twist!)

A very simple format open to all members regardless of your ability or
experience – in fact beginners are especially welcome (as well as more
experienced players)!

We usually like participants to wear something orange (not obligatory) but
more importantly we would really appreciate some yummy snacks for the Check

So, please sign up in Proware today!!