Bedrijf League 2023

Dear EGC Members,

Every year from May through July we play the Bedrijfsleague. A serious competition, but always played in a very friendly atmosphere, where we face teams from other companies. Each match is played in the late afternoon/early evening on a weekday, starting usually around 17:30. There are 4 home matches at ESTEC and 4 away matches played on outside courses. 6 ESTEC players will face 6 players from the opposing team in a 1v1 Matchplay game with full handicap adjustment.

The schedule for the 8 ESTEC matches is currently as follows:

09/05/2023 – Misfits (formerly Shell) vs ESTEC, 17:30 @ Bentwoud
17/05/2023 – ESTEC vs EPO, 17:30 @ ESTEC
23/05/2023 – EPO vs ESTEC, 18:08 @ Rijswijkse Golfclub
31/05/2023 – ESTEC vs PIT, 17:30 @ ESTEC
08/06/2023 – PIT vs ESTEC, 17:20 @ Leeuwenbergh
21/06/2023 – ESTEC vs BP, 17:30 @ ESTEC
28/06/2023 – BP vs ESTEC, 17:25 @ Kleiburg
12/07/2023 – ESTEC vs Misfits (formerly Shell), 17:30 @ ESTEC

This competition is open to all EGC members with a handicap of 36 and lower. If you have a higher handicap but still would be interested to play please contact me so we can see what is possible. Green fees and any post-match drinks + snacks are at the expense of the individual player.

A Doodle poll has been set up for players to register interest in participating in the team and providing their tentative availability for matches. We will use this for the selection of the teams each week. Ideally there are more than 6 players registered on each date to have some reserves. Anyone that registers their name in the doodle will be included in the team and we will try our best to give everyone that registers a chance to play a match:

The first match is already in 3 weeks so please register as soon as possible! Last year we did not manage to win the competition for the first time in years so we are very keen to regain “our” trophy.

All questions and comments regarding the Bedrijfsleague can be sent to

Best regards,
Erik & Vincent