
Monthly: December 3rd 2017.

In the
beginning of the year we had 3 successfully Monthlies played as non-qualifying with
a shotgun start at 11:30. Following the October Monthly with only 24 players
and the November Monthly with 26 players, and that more than 80% of the players
like to play late, the December Monthly, scheduled for
Sunday December 3rd, will take place as a non-qualifying event with
a shotgun
start at 11:30.

As always you
will receive detailed info on the Friday before the event – now also including
starting tee. You will be expected to be at your allocated tee at 11:15 and be
ready for the shotgun start at 11:30 (if late – don’t try to enter the course).

Finally please
register as usual via Proware – open until 23:59 hrs on Thursday November 30th

Prize giving will
take place at ESCAPE shortly after the competition.

Your Monthly organiser, Reno