
2018 Club Championship 1st round results and 2nd round tee start

The first round of the club championship has been played today in mostly dry and quite windy conditions. David Binns is leading the field with a round of 67 and a 4 stroke advantage on Emmanuel Sabourin, the current second with a round 71. The full result are attached below.

Tomorrow we will play the second round in the morning with a shotgun start, and might play the third round in the afternoon, weather permitting. Participant better come prepared for wet conditions. All people that played and that have not withdrawn from tomorrow’s round are playing. A soup and some sandwiches will be served at Escape after the second round.

Attached below is the flight compositions and starting holes.

Shotgun start is at 9:00, so participant must make sure to be ready to get to their starting hole at 8:45.

2018 Club Championship Tee Times

Please note that the golf course will closed until 18:00 on Saturday and Sunday for the club championship.

The flights times and composition are attached.

All participant must make sure their scorecards are accurate and signed, and the score recorded in Proware, before putting the card in the box.

If you’re not willing to play the second and third round, please let Klaus or Vincent know, in person or by email, before 5pm on Saturday.

Walker Cup result

Congratulation to our new category II Champion Martin Traas.
Martin has won in a very convincing manner with 38 stableford points.
Well done Martin!!