
Autumn Seasonal – Rijswijkse GC – report and results

On the 1st of September, the Autumn Seasonal was played in Rijswijkse GC. It was a beautiful sunny day, if a bit windy. 14 players participated. The course was in good condition, in spite of the long dry period we have had. It showed: there were some really high scores, so high we would almost talk of bandits…..

The meal afterwards was good, and the prize giving quick. Clare Bingham came in 3rd with 36 Stbf points for the third prize, Vincent Regis with 37 Stbf was 2 nd, and Valerie Thirkettle-Kaiser came 1st with a whopping 43 Stbf.!

We have to mention that Marja Allen, with a handicap of 41, had to play of 36 as we do in most competitions. She came in with 30 Stbf on hcp 36, but had she been allowed to play off her real handicap, she would have had 37 as well, which would have knocked Clare off the 3rd prize.

The nearies were won by Alan and Valerie, the longest by Valerie and Brian.

There was a bit of a discussion about the winter seasonal, planned in Almeerderhout on the 15th of September. Several of our players would not be available on that day, and it was agreed that I try to postpone it to mid-October. Watch Proware for a new entry and stay tuned for the announcement.

Detailed results can be seen in Proware:

Captain’s day 2022 – Results and Report

Sunday August 28, was Captain’s Day on the Estec Golf Course. It was a beautiful sunny, but a bit windy day. We had 26 players for a shotgun start.

We went round in 3 hours, which shows how little waiting there has been. The flights followed each other smoothly. The scores were quite good as well.

There was a neary for all on hole 1. It must be mentioned that no lady managed to hit the green… but both Vincent Regis and Raffaele Tosellini did, Raffaele was closest to the pin.

On hole 3 was the longest for the men, also won first by Vincent, and improved by Raffaele. Raffaele thought his length might have given him the advantage…

The ladies longest was on hole 7, first marked by Christine Sanders, a new member of the club, and then improved by your captain, Helma Nollen.

The best Lady was Marja Allen with a  score of 40 stbf points and a handicap of 41.7. And the best man was Rob Jansen, also with a score op 40 stbf points and a handicap of 25.5.

After the competition the aperitif was offered by the captain, and then a wonderful walking dinner was served.

All in all it was a really nice day!

Detailed results can be seen on Proware:

Club Championship 1st round / Walker Cup – September 10th

Dear Club Members,
The first round of the club championship will happen on Saturday September 10th, and will be combined with the Walker cup.

Club Championship
The club championship is  our annual Stroke Play competition, with no handicap compensation, and played from yellow tees. This year we are back with the usual format with 3 rounds. There will be a cut, only the players with the 18 best scores will be qualified for the 2nd and 3rd round on Sunday 11th.

Walker Cup
The Walker Cup is our annual Category 2 championship. Only players with a handicap of 24 or more can participate (from any tees). The competition format is Stableford. Participating in both competitions is possible for cat 2 players, as long as the yellow tees are used.
Sign up is open in Proware: