
“Unusual” Golf Event 2022: Report and Results.

Since 2013 EGC have been running annually (except 2020 & 2021) an invited golf event named “Unusual”. This event use a different course lay-out where 3 additional par 4’s are created and is played over 5 par 4’s and 1 par 3, thus 6 holes played 3 times = 18 holes = course par 69.

Out of 35 invited players, who do something for the club this year or has done for years, 15 players registered and turned up at 17:15 under Unusual weather conditions considering week 29/’22 (18 deg./high humidity/course partly wet/light rain). Fortunately all agreed to play 18 holes (if it stayed dry) and could look forward to some exiting holes to play followed by soup/sandwiches/drinks and prize giving in ESCAPE. Participating players, their scores and winners of nearies in two on the new par 4 holes, as well as the overall winners can be found attached. This year Anders surprised us all with an outstanding performance of 39 Stp (see winner photo attachment) followed by Garry with 35 Stp. Also Alex and Erik did very well with 34 Stp and finally Clare claimed the prize of most lost golf balls. Many thanks to Brian for coping with many practical “Unusual” issues and to the ESCAPE staff for their friendly and positive support.

Reno, 21 July 2022.