
Dunhill Cup 2021 standings after the 4th round

Saturday June 12th, the 4th round of the Dunhill cup has been played under the sun, with mild temperatures, and with some moderate cross winds.

The Netherlands were sitting that round out. The current leader Italy was playing France, while Germania was playing against Commonwealth

France was in need of a win to stay in contention for the title, and made no prisoner by inflicting a 3-0 defeat to Italy.

On their side Germania were in search of their first win, and secure it at Commonwealth expense in a very tight 2-1 game

Italy 0 – 3 France
Vincent Regis 61 – 67 Raffaele Tosellini
Rafael Lucas 64 – 73 Stefano Capitanio
Anna Carmio 67 – 70 Luigi Fanchi (score off 36)

Germania 2 -1 Commonwealth
Clare Bingham 70 – 71 Klaus Ludwig
Garry Gould 70 – 64 Peter Behrmann
Stephen Durrant 76 – 73 Andreass Obst

The competition is now completely undecided with Italy, France and the Netherlands having 2 win and 1 defeat. The 5th and last round will decide everything!

Current standings

RankParticipantPlayedRemainingMatch W-LSet WinsPts
1France312 – 1636
2Netherlands312 – 1529
3Italy312 – 1525
4Germania311 – 239
5Commonwealth401 – 3549

All results can be seen here:

Last round on Saturday June 26th with France vs Germania and Netherlands vs Italy

Dunhill Cup 2021 standings after the 3rd round

Saturday May 29th, the 3rd round of the Dunhill cup has been played under the sun, with temperatures improving but still fresh for the season, and with some moderate cross winds.

Germania was sitting that round out. Italy has confirmed their good start by beating Commonwealth, while France has stumbled against the Netherlands.

Commonwealth vs Italy (1-2)
Brian Taylor 64 – 62 Raffaele Toselini
Joe Pereira 75 – 68 Giuseppe Racca
Garry Gould 63 – 84 Luigi Fanchi

France vs Netherlands (1-2)
Vincent Regis 66 – 70 Henk Wapstra
Rafael Lucas 68 – 56 Nely Borst
Tony Rosmalen 70 – 57 Willem Borst

Current standings:

Game WinsShot diff
1Italy222 – 0525
2Netherlands312 – 1529
3France221 – 1318
4Commonwealth311 – 2448
5Germania220 – 213

All results can be seen here:

Next round will be on June 12th, with Italy vs France and Germania vs Commonwealth

Dunhill Cup 2021 standings after 2nd round

Last Saturday April 17th the 2nd round of the Dunhill Cup has been played in excellent weather conditions.

France was sitting that round out, so we had Netherlands vs Commonwealth, and Italy vs Germania. It was the first game for Italy and they are off a good start beating Germania 3-0. Commonwealth get their first win.

Netherlands vs Commonwealth (1-2):
– Brian Taylor 63 – 63 Henk Wapstra (Henk wins on first playoff hole)
– Garry Gould 59 – 69 Nely Borst
– Stephen Durrant 67 – 75 Willem Borst

Italy vs Germania (3-0):
– Raffaele Tosellini 66 – 66 Nicolas Walser (Raffaele wins on first playoff hole)
– Giuseppe Racca 68 – 68 Klaus Ludwig (Giuseppe wins on first playoff hole)
– Luigi Fanchi 61 – 75 Andreas Obst

Current standings:

Game WinsShot diff
1Italy131 – 0316
2France131 – 0214
3Commonwealth221 – 1327
4Netherlands221 – 134
5Germania220 – 213

All results can be seen here:

Next round will be on May 8th, with Commonwealth vs Italy and France vs Netherlands