Klaus Ludwig

Club Championship 2017

Dear Members,

This weekend the 2017
Club Championship will be played. For this event the course will be
closed on Saturday from 7:40 until 17:00 and on Sunday from 8:00 until

best regards


Walker Cup results

Dear all, the new 2017 category II champion is Massimo Sabbatini.
In a close race with Reno Harboe Sorensen ( both with 40 points!) , Massimo beat Reno with a splendid back 9 with 23 stableford points.
Congratulations !!!
The cat I has been won by Peter Behrmann with 36 stableford points.

best regards

Club Championship 2017

Dear all, you can now sign up for the 2017 Club Championship, which is scheduled for round 1 on Saturday 23rd September, and round 2&3 on Sunday 24th September.
Start times for round 1 are available as of 07:40 on Saturday. Please select, whether you prefer an early, middle or late start time for round 1.

best regards