Erik van Ginkel

Ryder Cup, October 14 – Cancelled and postponed

The Ryder Cup Competition scheduled for October 14 has been cancelled. Not enough people registered on either team to make the competition interesting. The competition will be rescheduled to a later date, probably early next season.

Thanks to the people that registered and wanted to support this competition. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.

So the course is now no longer closed this Saturday!

Final result Bedrijfsleague

After a very strong start from ESTEC in the Bedrijfsleague we struggled in the second part of the competition. We battled till the end but we will have to settle for a third place in this year’s competition. In the attached file you can see the final standing in the league. Congratulations to the 2017 winners Shell!

The Bedrijfsleague Finals Day is scheduled on September 8. Places are still available and you can register through Proware. This will be a fun day filled with golf and good people. The cost for the day is €140. This includes 2 rounds of golf (morning: stableford, afternoon: scramble), lunch and dinner. It is organised by Shell this year on their homecourse: Burggolf Zoetermeer.