Erik van Ginkel

Work on Green #9 to start on 19/2

Dear Members,

Weather permitting, the work on green #9 is scheduled to start on Monday February 19. So from that day hole 9 will play to the wintergreen.

Actual work is scheduled to last for about 14 days and the new green will be ready to be played on in early May. This schedule is subject to change depending on the weather the coming months.

10th ESA Golf Cup: Darmstadt 18-19 May

Dear All,

Please find the announcement of the 10 ESA Golf Cup taking place near Darmstadt on 18th – 19th May.

Registration for those wishing to play for ESTEC will soon be open on Proware. Those wishing to play for ARES, please contact Daniel De Pablo or John Reddy.

Many thanks,
Salim Ansari