Erik van Ginkel

Result Spring Seasonal, Zeegersloot, 1st of April 2019

27 players participated, really great that so many ESTEC players joined the competition.
It was a wonderful day, with a real Spring sunshine and it was pleasant warm. The course was in a good condition, however only 8 players managed to get a score above 30 Stb.

Anna Carmio won with 39 Stb, Wil Spangenberg became 2nd with 34 Stb and in 3nd place came Anna Hjortnaes with 32 Stb. Emmanuel Sabourin became 4th also with 32 Stb but 1 point less on the back nine.

Wil Spangenberg won the Longest from Red and the Neary was for Clare Bingham.
Emmanuel Sabourin won the Longest from Yellow and Alex Jeanes won the Neary.
all results can be found in Proware

Congratulation to the top 4 players, and thanks to all who joined the Spring Seasonal.
After the golf we were served a very nice diner, prepared by the cook at Zegersloot, see photo.
We can look back on very pleasant start of the Golf Season 2019.

Anna Hjortnaes

EGC Promotion March 2019

Please see attached the poster for the 2019 EGC promotion. Promotion activities at the entrance of the ESTEC main restaurant on Monday March 18 and Thursday March 21, 12:00-14:00