The Director of ESTEC instituted ‘Teams Day’ on Wednesday 22 June in response to the debilitating effect of the restrictions imposed to combat Covid-19 over the last two years and to get some ‘team-spirit’ back into ESTEC. In response to the SSCC’s call for clubs ‘to do something’ in support, the Golf Club suggested a Golf Clinic (though where that name came from I’ve no idea). Anyway, we thought we could put to good use the practice putting area, the
chipping area, the nets and hole 1 and Clare, Joe, Filippo, Ignacio and myself ‘volunteered’ to run the show on the day. Helma had painted some targets on the putting green and Anna had flyers and posters printed. I was in contact with the GolfCentrum Noordwijk for it to give support in the shape of the golf-pro Michael John de Boor. He brought along three bags of clubs, (mid-irons, sand wedges and putters) to more than supplement our own ‘spare’ clubs and balls.

The Clinic was to start at 10:00 and by 10:05 we were in danger of being overrun by
the numbers wanting to give golf a go. Through some sort of divine intervention the cavalry
arrived in the shape of David, Erik and Paul and later Dominico and Stephen. We survived
but we had to expand the real-estate by doing the chipping up onto the ninth green as
Michael John needed the practice chipping area for his basic introduction i.e. holding the
club, the stance etc. etc.

We asked our visitors to sign-in and by 12:00, the closing time of the Clinic, we had
collected about a 100 names. Just from observation, many of our visitors looked potential
golfers and we hope they will join the EGC. We of course impressed on them the value for
money of the membership fee, the almost unrestricted access to the course and our
closeness to the GolfCentrum Noordwijk with its driving range and Toptracer installation!
Altogether a fun day and an experience our volunteers didn’t expect.
Brian Taylor.
Chair, EGC