Colin Rolls Trophy: Scramble – 20 March 2022.

On Sunday 20th of March the first out of four 2022 Colin Rolls Trophy (CRT) events will take place at ESTEC. The CRT events are played as pair representing one of the teams listed below. On Sunday 20th of March the Scramble will be played. The pair playing handicap for Scramble is the lowest players number of strokes received. Obviously the event will be tee time scheduled, so in line with today’s Corona restrictions but allowed as the usual 2 x 2-balls. Likewise no prize giving will take place afterwards and score cards to be dropped at the Score Card Box in the Check-in hut after play. First flight will be 9:20 and within a few days after the event the final results will be NEWS and via Captains announced.

The 2022 Captains of the teams are:

Garry Gould                             –    The Babes & the Boys

Vincent Regis                           –    The Mulligans

Reno Harboe Sorensen          –    Friday’s Men                    

Alex Jeanes                              –    The Andy Caps

You will now find this CRT event announced in Proware but there will be no Proware registration since we play as pair selected by your Captain, so if you like to play please contact your team Captain – who need to forward names of playing pairs and playing slot (early-middle-late) to Reno no later than Thursday 17th of March 2022. If you don’t belong to any of the teams and like to play please contact Reno.

Additionally I encourage team Captains to contact their team members for availability and preference time slots.

Attached you will find the CRT General Procedures, Strokes Received and Formats for all Four events.

Your 2022 CRT Event organiser is Reno with Alex Jeanes as back-up. See the EGC Calendar for other event dates.

Reno Harboe Sorensen