Summer Social Scramble: 16 July 2023 – Report and Results
The third 2023 EGC social scramble competition, the Summer event, took place on 16 July 2023 with 24 players in 8 different 3-balls flights/teams – using the red tees and playing Strokeplay from scratch. The weather was fair but a very strong wind certainly influenced many of the team scores.
The best team score was recorded by Team 7 with a net score of 62 strokes, by Joe Pereira, Piet Hillebrand and Clifford Austin Ashcroft. Bottles of wine were presented to the winners and a photo taken. The second best Team score, by Team 4, Brian, Giuseppe and Reno with 63 strokes, each receiving 2 EGC logo golf balls and in third place Team 5, with Ton, Garry and Anneke with a score of 64 strokes, each receiving 1 EGC logo golf ball. All Team scores can be found attached as well as a photo of the winning Team.
After this short prize giving at ESCAPE, all players socialized and enjoyed winners drinks/snacks.
Finally, several of the participating players expressed their enthusiasm for playing in these social scramble events and requested another one to take place in the autumn of 2023. I agreed on behalf of the EGC Committee to do this, provided we have a minimum of 24 players participating.
Your EGC Competition Secretary and EGC Captain – Reno & Garry