Official Scores: Stableford points only visible in Proware (Wedstrijden/Monthly May/Uitslagen)
Sunday 14 April 2024: CRT-2 Greensome, Report and Results.
Again a well-attended second 2024 Colin Rolls Trophy round “Greensome” took place on Sunday 14 of April 2024. This time the weather was partly sunny and dry but with a cold wind lowering the temperature to around 12 Deg. C. Altogether we had 29 players participating in 7 flights where each pair represented one of the traditional four teams. The best pair score was recorded by Stephen & Sander with 44 St.P. followed by Mary & Joe with 41 St.P. and another 2 pairs with 38 St.P. The best team score counting the two best score per team, was recorded by the “Babes and the Boys” with 85 St.P. followed by the “Friday’s Men” team with 74 St.P., the “Mulligans” with 65 and “Andy Caps” with 63 St.P. All pair and team results can be found attached as well as the updated 2024 CRT leaderboard.
Sunday 12 May 2024: CRT-3 Better Ball
Please be ready for the next CRT events “Better Ball” which will take place on Sunday 12 May 2024. Please contact your team Captain if you like to play. Team Captains to forward playing pairs to ‘Alex’, not later than Thursday 9 May 2024. Fridays Men Captain for this event will be away so ‘Brian Taylor’ will take over.
Your 2024 CRT organizers – Alex/Reno