Monthly Results: December 2020
2020 Winner: Nico Dettmann with 56 points (2 wins)
2nd Place: Ben Smeltink with 52 points (1 win)
3rd Place: Vincent Regis with 49 points
4th Place: Tony Rosmalen with 36 points
2020 Winner: Garry Gould with 66 points (4 wins)
2nd Place: Brian Taylor with 43 points
3rd Place: Rob Jansen with 41 points
4th Place: Nely Borst with 39 points
2020 Winner: Nico Dettmann & Vincent Regis both
with 350 strokes/average 70.0 per round
3rd Place: Ben Smeltink with 369 strokes/average 73.8 per round
4th Place: Tony Rosmalen with 411 strokes/average 82.2 per round
2020 Winner: Brian Taylor with 32 points
2nd Place: Rob Jansen with 21 points
3rd Place: Garry Gould with 20 points
4th Place: Joe Pereira with 18 points
Monthly: December 6th 2020
The December Monthly, scheduled for Sunday December 6th, will take place within Corona and ESTEC restrictions, as Qualifying with the first tee time available at 09:20. Obviously you need to register in Proware or e-mail Reno, if you like to play. Proware registration is open now and will stay open until 18:00 hrs on Thursday, December 3rd 2020. Remember to indicate Red or Yellow tee and select a playing slot between 09:20 and 13:00 (Early-Medium-Late). There will be no longest/nearies nor will prize giving take place. Individual scores to be entered into Proware via Mobile (if possible) and all score cards to be dropped at the score card box placed in the check-in hut. No score card available = DQ. All results will be EGC NEWS announced within a few days. Just remember that this being a Covid19/Monthly alternative, so please adhere to ESTEC entrance procedures and play this event as earlier guide lined by the EGC for weekend play. Tee times for casual play on 6/12’20 can be booked from 15:00 hrs.
Your EGC Competition Secretary – Reno