
2022 Granny Smith Trophy (Seasonals): Final Results after 4 events.

Winner: Valerie Thirkettle-Kayser with 110 StP

followed by Luigi Fanchi with 93 St.P. and third Vincent Regis with 92 St.P.

  • 34 different players participated in the 4 2022 Seasonal events (last year 33).
  • In total, 61 players participated in the 4 2022 Seasonal events (last year 70).
  • The most successful event appeared to be Capelle a/d Ijssel with 22 participants!
  • The average best score was obtained at Rijswijkse with 30,7 St.P.

For further general info on EGC Seasonals between 2011-22 covering courses and organizers, see attachment as recorded by your EGC Competition Secretary. Please forward any corrections or update you may have.

Thanks – Reno  

Chairmans Challenge on Sunday 13 November at ESTEC

This is a pairs, better-ball, Stableford competition with the par for the course set by the Chairman and (former) Captain playing as a pair. They will set the new par for each hole which will be revealed after play has been completed.

The competition is non-qualifying and open to all club members of all handicaps but the maximum playing handicap will be limited at exact handicap 36.0.

Please sign-up as a pair if possible (pairs may be any combination of ladies and gentlemen) but ’singletons’ will be paired by the organisers. For the team event, pairs will be arbitrarily assigned to the Chairman’s or Captain’s team.

This will be the last Shotgun start of the season. Following on from the successful Captain’s Day we will have a ‘Walking Dinner’ at ~ €14 per person payable on the day. This will be served while the scores are sorted out – which can take a long time!

The tee-time of the shotgun start will be at 12:00. Please be in ESCAPE 11:15  at the latest.

Proware will be open shortly for registration. Please indicate under ‘Opmerking’ if you will participate in the dinner. Registration will close on Wednesday 9 November (12:00).

Brian and Helma