
2022 Granny Smith Trophy (Seasonals): Final Results after 4 events.

Winner: Valerie Thirkettle-Kayser with 110 StP

followed by Luigi Fanchi with 93 St.P. and third Vincent Regis with 92 St.P.

  • 34 different players participated in the 4 2022 Seasonal events (last year 33).
  • In total, 61 players participated in the 4 2022 Seasonal events (last year 70).
  • The most successful event appeared to be Capelle a/d Ijssel with 22 participants!
  • The average best score was obtained at Rijswijkse with 30,7 St.P.

For further general info on EGC Seasonals between 2011-22 covering courses and organizers, see attachment as recorded by your EGC Competition Secretary. Please forward any corrections or update you may have.

Thanks – Reno