
Summer Social Scramble: 16 July 2023 – Report and Results

The third 2023 EGC social scramble competition, the Summer event, took place on 16 July 2023 with 24 players in 8 different 3-balls flights/teams – using the red tees and playing Strokeplay from scratch. The weather was fair but a very strong wind certainly influenced many of the team scores.

The best team score was recorded by Team 7 with a net score of 62 strokes, by Joe Pereira, Piet Hillebrand and Clifford Austin Ashcroft. Bottles of wine were presented to the winners and a photo taken. The second best Team score, by Team 4, Brian, Giuseppe and Reno with 63 strokes, each receiving 2 EGC logo golf balls and in third place Team 5, with Ton, Garry and Anneke with a score of 64 strokes, each receiving 1 EGC logo golf ball. All Team scores can be found attached as well as a photo of the winning Team.

After this short prize giving at ESCAPE, all players socialized and enjoyed winners drinks/snacks.

Finally, several of the participating players expressed their enthusiasm for playing in these social scramble events and requested another one to take place in the autumn of 2023. I agreed on behalf of the EGC Committee to do this, provided we have a minimum of 24 players participating.

Your EGC Competition Secretary and EGC Captain – Reno & Garry

Sunday 11 June 2023: CRT-4 Foursome, Report and Results.

With a Shotgun start at 11:00, the fourth 2023 Colin Rolls Trophy event “Foursome” took place on Sunday 11 June under summer conditions with temperature around 30 deg. C. Altogether we had 27 players participating in 8 flights where each pair represented one of the four traditional teams. The best pair score was recorded by Gijs/Reno with 38 St. P. followed by Ben/Ton with 37 St. P. The best team score counting the two best score per team, was recorded by the “Friday’s Men” team with 75 St.P. followed by the “Babes and the Boys” & the “Mulligans” with 64 St. P and finally the “Andy Caps” with 59 St. P. All CRT-4 pair and team results can be found below.

Winner CRT 2023:  

After play on Sunday, the prize giving took place at ESCAPE where Aurora, our event sponsor represented by Alex Jeanes, offered the first drink to everyone while waiting for the overall results. Traditionally Aurora also offered 3 logo golf balls/player and wine prizes to the overall winning team and to the best pair score per event (see previous reports). For the past four years, the “Babes and the Boys” team won this prestigious trophy but this year “Friday’s Men” team, captained by Reno, won the  2023 Colin Rolls Trophy with a total of 329 St. P. against the “Babes and the Boys” team with 314 St. P. Third came the “Mulligans” with 306 ST. P. followed by the  “Andy Caps” team with 303 St. P.

The four CRT 2023 events took place with a total of 113 players compared to 128 players in 2022, however, with 46 different players – the same number as recorded last year. This year, only 10 players participated in all 4 CRT events and 10 players in only one! If of interest, all players individual performance can also be found below.

Finally a BIG Congratulation to the winning 2023 “Friday’s Men” team with playing members: Gijs, Reno, Geoff, Klaus, Ben, Ton, Peter, Andrew, Brian and Ignacio. See attached 2023 CRT winning photo (only 6 players). Also attached a wild live photo from the 7th fairway prior to play!

Your 2023 CRT organizers – Alex/Reno