Klaus Ludwig

Dunhill Cup 2017

The planning of the Dunhill Cup 2017 has just started.

The Dunhill Cup is kind of Nations Cup, where

all members of a team shall have a link to a recognizable ‘geo-political’ entity, either by birth, naturalization, marriage or partnership

Last year we had the following teams participating:
Commonwealth Captain: Salim Ansari
England Captain: David Colins
Germania Captain: Klaus Ludwig
Italy Captain: Giuseppe Racca
Netherlands Captain: Erik van Ginkel
Sweden/Denmark Captain: Anders Elfing
Spain Captain: Rafael Lucas
France Captain: Tony Rosmalen

If you already have been in a team of last year, your captain has already received a dedicated mail and will contact you.

If you haven’t played in a team yet but are interested to play this year, contact last year’s captain or if you want to create a new team, you are welcome to participate and please contact me ( klaus.ludwig@telfort.nl).

End March or first week of April we will get together to do the draw for the competition and decide some further details.

The dates of competition are currently scheduled at:

Round 1 – April 22
Round 2 – April 29
Round 3 – May 13
Round 4 – May 20. Semifinals
Round 5 – June 24 Final

Some dates may still need to be changed (the ESA Cup is for instance also scheduled on May 25th/26th, so that date already may change if many Dunhill participants are going).

Klaus Ludwig

Pea Soup Tournament Results

Dear Members, yesterday on Sunday 19th February 2017, 27 players participated in the annual Pea Soup tournament.
The conditions were very good, with lot of sunshine, wind not too strong and we were even able to play summer greens.

With these conditions, there was no excuse not to get excellent results, which are shown below:

Winner: Geoffrey Beckwith with 53 strokes net !! smiley

2nd: Peter Behrmann with 55 strokes net

3rd: Willem Borst with 60 strokes net

The nearies were won by:

Hole 1: Domenico Mignolo
Hole 2: Erik van Ginkel ( neary in 2)
Hole 9: Rafael Lucas

After the match everybody enjoyed a cup of pea soup prepared by Jan.

The committee is looking forward to see you all again next year….

best regards
Klaus & Domenico