Klaus Ludwig

Walker Cup 2017

Walker Cup is one of the most important competitions for Cat. 2 (exact
hcp > 19.9) players. This is basically the Cat. 2 Club Championship.

It is a straightforward stableford competition and the player with the
best score will win the Walker Cup.

Cat. 1 players are also invited to
participate, there will be even some nice prizes for them to win on the day

Please register via Proware.

For any further question, please contact Klaus Ludwig or Domenico Mignolo.

Date: Sunday August 27, 2017
Time: Gather in ESCAPE 12:00-12:30, Shotgun start at 13:00-13:15
Format: Stableford (Qualifying)
Participation fee: € 5 (for prizes)

Dunhill Cup 2017

Dear members, today Scotland and France have won their semi-finals against Italy resp. Germania and will meet in the Dunhill Cup 2017 Final on Sunday 25th June.
Congratulations to both teams.