Bedrijfs League Estec VS Pakzout

Monday the 14th July the Estec golfers took on Pakzout at their home course

Both Alex Jeanes, Gijs Tan won their matches, and Anders Elfving, and Alan
Thirkettle halve their matches.

This resulted in a 3 – 3 for both teams.

The next match will be against Pakzout at home on the 30th July.

Golf Greetings


Bedrijfs League Estec VS PIT

On Wednesday the 02nd July the
Estec golfers took revenge against PIT for the 6-0 defeat we suffered away at
Bentwoud. Estec won 4 matched and the other was all square. Ronny, Sylvian, Rob
and Mary Gilles won their matches.

We have played 7 matches won
5 and lost 2. Our next match is against EPO on the 9th July.

We still have a good chance
to win this year’s league, so keep up the “fighting spirit” and let do it.

Golf Greetings


Netherlands the 2014 Dunhill Cup Champions

On Saturday the 28th June the semi-finals and the
Finals were played to determine the 2014 Dunhill Cup winners.

In the morning the Netherlands played against the Italian
Old Boys. Erik van Ginkel and Rob Jansen won their respective matched to secure a spot in the finals.

Swe-Den played against England for the second spot. Helma Nollen won by 2 from Anna Hjortnaes.
The other 2 matches had to continue after ending up on equal scores after 18

Dave Collins won after the first extra hole, giving England
the win.

In the afternoon England played against the Netherland to
determine the Cup winner.

Erik van Ginkel and Ronny Boer won their respective matches,
to ensure that the Netherland wins, for
the first time in the History of the Dunhill Cup.

We would like to congratulate the Netherlands with their
performance in this year’s tournament. They
won all 5 matches that they played this year.

3rd place goes to Swe-Den and 4th to
Italian Old Boys.