Dear EGC Members
As many of you know, Salim Ansari is a long term EGC Member and active golfer. Now retired and golfing mainly in Spain and Austria, Salim has also found time to write a book. Heres what Salim has to say about his latest venture;
The novel, Adventures of a Golf Ball that I have written was inspired by conversations I had with some of you ten years ago. I had this idea of creating a character — a golf ball — that would be capable of telling its story. I put myself in the mindset of a golf ball and thought, “what tales would such a ball recount, if it could tell its story of where it had been and what it had seen?”
Admittedly, when I started writing the book I wasn’t sure where I would go with it. Was it going to be an adventure thriller or a book about golf? But then I drew inspiration from contemporary events shaping our world today. The political predicament we find ourselves in, the hi-tech pace in which things are developing, the consequence and impact of decisions taken in the ESA world. All of this shaped the story, which remains a work of fiction!
ESA and ESTEC are mentioned! You may recognise some of the characters in the book who are actually members of the EGC!
I found empathy with some of our partners who, from one day to the next lost everything …. well, I’ll leave it to you to recognize those passages without sounding cryptic.
Some of the golf courses mentioned in the book I have actually played—certainly all the ones in the Netherlands! My background and the high-tech industry also played a role in shaping the plot. And the ultimate technological product I imagined? It’s real—prototypes exist today. But I won’t say more; I don’t want to give too much away!
Lastly, I dedicated this book to one of our members who left us far too soon—a dear friend with whom I spent countless hours on the golf course: Bob Davis.
Enjoy the book. I would love to hear your thoughts!
The book is on Kindle/paperback/hardcover at:
Salim will soon be sending a copy of the book to be placed in the Check – In hut, for you to take a look at.