Monthly: December 4th 2016

There will be NO Sign up list at the Check-in hut anymore!

Only PROWARE or e-mail (to Reno) registration will be accepted, PROWARE
(Inloggen: and click “Wedstrijden”, “Kalender”, “2016”, “Dec”, “December –
Monthly”, “Inschrijven”, “Ik ga akkoord”, “Start Tee” & “Inschrijven” and
select either Early-Middle-Late tee time.

PROWARE registration will be open until 23:59 hrs on Thursday December 1st

In order to minimise closure of the EGC course for Monthlies, be aware that
your tee time request could be changed (in most cases to earlier) but strongly
depends on the number of participants!

We aim to make the course available to non Monthly players as of 14:00 hours.

No sign up requests will be accepted after issue of the first tee time list!